Benefits of Meditation

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Once habit is cultivated, “Mind” will auto signal at the fixed time, that, it’s time for “Meditation”, thus, it will automate its own self thereby freeing ourselves of any tension to handle it manually. Moreover, practiced seriously for long time, “Mind” will render itself ready for just like switch on/off functionality thereby letting you control it instead of one getting controlled by it.

Read all parts of this series Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3Part 4

Benefits of “Meditation”


“Opening Quote”

“Can you please experience this yourself without anyone else to elaborate this too for you…?”


Nowadays, it’s so blindingly glorified with so called high end objectives that people understand only sky is the limit & that too with just a single mundane course of few days.

Need to understand that “Meditation” is not a finite subject for which a course can be framed.

Remember, “Meditation” is not a child’s play, neither it’s the subject matter of any short duration course to just complete & get certified.

It pertains to treating the most critical & controlling part of ourselves, i: e: – “Mind”.

Do not expect any sort of overnight miracles out of “Meditation”.

Let’s understand some major in-general benefits of “Meditation”.

As we all know “Meditation” pertains to “Mind”,

  • It gets some cooling time to treat itself or in the layman’s language; just like auto repair.
  • This gives itself extremely soothing effect.
  • Since it gradually gets cool down, the clean-up activity starts within. The highway for signals to travel to & fro gets cleaned up.
  • All minor ambiguities related to understanding get resolved.
  • Imaginary layers get cleared up. This enhances the vision i: e: – perspective gets very much improved to evaluate the subject in its entirety.
  • Soothing effect promotes production of relaxing hormones.
  • Blood circulation & oxygen level gets improved.
  • Disorders for e: g- stress, anxiety, tension, negativity etc. gets dramatically reduced.
  • “Mind” control improves to great extent.

Apart from all above mentioned, Once habit is cultivated, “Mind” will auto signal at the fixed time, that, it’s time for “Meditation”, thus, it will automate its own self thereby freeing ourselves of any tension to handle it manually.

Moreover, practiced seriously for long time, “Mind” will render itself ready for just like switch on/off functionality thereby letting you control it instead of one getting controlled by it.

&, the most important benefit,

Though we shouldn’t expect any sort of miracles out of “Meditation”, but, yes, there’s no doubt about the fact that a “Mind” flourished with the help of “Meditation” can surely create wonders.


“Closing Tip”

“Don’t stop if no visible benefits found, check your expectations.”



Honest Self Analysis


“Opening Quote”

“Just stop & allow your inner self to speak & be guided.”


This is the most critical aspect in one’s overall progress & development.

There cannot be any other better judge for us than we ourselves.

There’s an inherent inbuilt mechanism within all human being to answer all questions with absolute truth but the issue is that it’s ignored very conveniently.

Such ignorance keeps on growing layers on the conscience.

But, to proceed on the path of “Meditation” & reap its optimum benefits, clear conscience is the vital base.

Nothing more to elaborate here, readers are very wise & capable enough to understand the indication.


“Closing Tip”

“All thoughts can’t be inner voice but all inner voice do come in the form of thoughts. Evaluate carefully.”



Intrinsically incorporating “Meditation” as way of life, as an integral part of life, will surely benefit to achieve the optimum output of one’s potential but the most far reaching benefit is that it will transform the person to a very healthy & balanced state of overall personality & on a larger scale it will transform society as a whole.

This can drastically reduce all the prevailing social issues & result in to a comprehensive social reformation, which can allow the people to live a quality life.

Wish you a very understanding & fruitful “Meditation” onwards.

Understanding Meditation

Connecting with Meditation

Pre-requisite & Methods of Meditation

Simple 10 Steps Meditation

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