Kampo Medicine

Kampo Medicine
Reading Time: 5 minutes


Kampo medicine is a traditional form of Japanese medicine that uses a combination of natural remedies, including herbal medicines, acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage, to treat a wide range of health conditions.

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Health Care & Healing : 18 Prominent Traditional and Alternative Systems – Part 1

Traditional and Alternative Systems of Health Care & Healing
Reading Time: 10 minutes


The term “Traditional and Alternative Medicine” in common parlance refers to a health care solution system which has been practiced in any particular geography since years. And with the passage of time, it generally became an intrinsic part of life in that region for primary health care assistance.

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Health Care & Healing : 18 Prominent Traditional and Alternative Systems – Part 2

Health Care and Healing
Reading Time: 9 minutes


Such indigenous systems of health care and healing claim to deal with the root cause of problems and not just removal of symptoms. Since being practiced for years, such systems generally have a very rich repository of knowledge. Due to its vast exposure spread over an equally vast time period it is believed to have developed tremendous potential to cure.

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Health Care & Healing : 18 Prominent Traditional and Alternative Systems – Part 3

Reading Time: 9 minutes


One of the key principles of such “Traditional and Alternative Health Care & Healing Systems” is the idea that our body has a natural ability to heal itself and illness is seen as a result of imbalance in our body’s systems. It seeks to restore balance and harmony to our body and improve our overall health and well-being.

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