Pre-requisite & Methods of Meditation

Reading Time: 5 minutes


“Meditation” is not just another mundane task which we carry out in our daily life. People generally do it with the only intent to just complete it with least possible time & too much of high expectation up to the level of overnight miracle.

Read all parts of this series Part 1 I Part 2Part 4 I Part 5

Pre-requisite of “Meditation”

Who can “Meditate”


“Opening Quote”

“To decide to “Meditate” is totally different than doing it. It requires efforts, not just thoughts.”


“Meditation” is not just another mundane task which we carry out in our daily life.

It’s generally carried out with the only intent to just complete it with least possible time & too much of high expectation up to the level of overnight miracle.

One just can’t rush in to “Meditation”.

Now that the relation between “Meditation” & “Mind” & its connection to our daily life is very much clear, we can easily understand what we need to focus on as the most critical pre-requisite of “Meditation”.

Yes, it’s our “Mind”.

We all understand that our “Mind” has its own way & mechanism of functioning & we don’t have any machine like direct control over it, but we want it to be functioning in a controlled manner & that’s the reason we need to help it with “Meditation”.

The critical functions of our “Mind” are very well known to us, it’s the controlling unit of our whole existence.

Given the gigantic magnitude of its duty, it’s working 24/7 continuously processing “n” no of tasks & the most important point to note here is that it’s not a machine; hence, we just can’t switch on/off it like a machine.

So, first we need to prepare our “Mind” for “Meditation”.

We need to bring it to the “Meditation” ready state.

We need to allow the “Mind” to cool down, such that the processing traffic gets normalized & not in any condition to be compelled to react.

As we know that “Mind” doesn’t have its own independent existence, we need to help it.

& exactly how do we do that?

It’s very much simple; you will find answer as we proceed in the next chapters.

But, one must clearly understand that till the time “Mind” is not in given condition, no effective “Meditation” can be done.


“Closing Tip”

“It’s true that overthinking causes many issues but far more issues are caused by “Not Thinking”.
Start Thinking.”


Methods of “Meditation”


“Opening Quote”

“If you have choice then you can select, but you can’t select your choice, it just comes from within.
Read again.”


It’s really a mixture of comedy & tragedy that online search produces amazing variety for methods of “Meditation”.

None of the jargons are left to be associated with “Meditation”.

But our objective is to study this subject in very much simpler way without any sort of “add on”.

By whatever we have understood till now, one can easily understand that “Meditation” is only a state of “Mind”.

The only task ahead is how we shift our “Mind” in to that state.

Since it’s a state of “Mind”, any such thing or atmosphere suitable & conducive to help & support our “Mind” get shifted to that state; can be recognized as a method.

Once the concept is understood, it’s very much easy to find out suitable method for one. Nothing to be surprised, it’s a fact that, every individual can have their own different method.

There’s absolutely no such restriction that there has to be a single unique method for one & all, rather it’s not possible at all considering non-identical nature & tendency of people.

Going by the basics of “Meditation”, & following the clear conceptual understanding, one can identify only below 2 broad methods with basic roots.

  1. Selecting a quiet place without any external disturbance to sit & “Meditate”.
    • This is most traditional & widely followed method of “Meditation” since ages.
  1. Selecting any other task or activity where the “Mind” can find solace without any sort of external disturbance or chances of any compelling condition to arise for “Mind” to react.
    • Also, this is a traditional method but not widely followed nowadays since its application is either vanished with passage of time or due to some other reason.

Remember, there are no shortcuts neither any external factor can do this for you.

This is purely an internal matter for human being & the requirement differs for all.

That’s the reason it was made an integral part of one’s daily life with practical application. So that in the routine course of life, all can easily find out & develop their own method of “Meditation” & can follow it for lifetime to achieve the optimum results.


“Closing Tip”

“Methodical approach is always good for anything but non methodical approach is a method too. Just start without caring for methods. Gradually, you will find one for you.”


Understanding Meditation

Connecting with Meditation

Simple 10 Steps Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

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