Reiki – A Powerful Therapy

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Reiki is a non-invasive practice. It can be customized to meet individual preferences and needs, and each session may vary based on the practitioner’s style and the client’s requirements.


Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that focuses on the transfer of energy to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. The word “Reiki” consists of two Japanese words: “Rei,” which means universal or spiritual, and “Ki,” which means life force energy. Together, Reiki can be translated as “universal life force energy.”

A Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for this universal life force energy by placing their hands lightly on or near the recipient’s body, allowing the energy to flow through them and into the recipient. The belief is that this energy helps to balance and harmonize the recipient’s energy, promoting healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

It is a holistic practice that aims to balance and harmonize the recipient’s energy on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments.

Brief Traditional History of Reiki

The history of Reiki is associated with, Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. He is credited with rediscovering Reiki in the late 19th or early 20th century. Usui was a Tendai Buddhist practitioner and had an interest in spiritual practices and healing. Seeking answers to the healing methods used by ancient spiritual leaders, he embarked on a personal quest for knowledge and enlightenment.

According to the traditional story, Usui undertook a 21-day meditation and fasting retreat on Mount Kurama. On the final day, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening and received what is known as the Reiki symbols and the ability to channel healing energy. This event marked the birth of Reiki as a healing practice.

After his spiritual awakening, Usui began teaching and practicing Reiki. He established a healing clinic in Harajuku, Tokyo, where he treated individuals and trained students in the art of Reiki. Usui’s teachings focused not only on the physical aspects of healing but also on personal and spiritual development.

One of Usui’s notable students was Chujiro Hayashi, a naval officer and surgeon. Hayashi further developed and expanded the system of Reiki, introducing hand positions for healing and creating a more structured approach to its practice. He also initiated the practice of Reiki attunements, which are energetic initiations that enable individuals to access and channel Reiki energy.

In the 1930s, a Japanese-American woman named Hawayo Takata played a significant role in bringing Reiki to the Western world. She traveled to Japan seeking treatment for a serious health condition and received Reiki from Hayashi. Impressed by the healing effects, Takata learned Reiki from Hayashi and became one of his Reiki Masters. She later introduced Reiki to Hawaii and eventually the United States.

Due to Takata’s efforts, Reiki began to spread internationally. Takata trained several Reiki Masters, who, in turn, initiated and trained others. The practice of Reiki expanded across different countries, with variations and adaptations evolving over time. Today, there are numerous Reiki lineages, schools, and styles, each with its own approach and teachings.

Application of Reiki

Reiki is typically applied through a practitioner who acts as a channel for the healing energy. Below is an overview of how Reiki is commonly applied:

  1. Client Preparation: The client usually sits or lies down in a comfortable position, fully clothed. It’s important to create a calm and peaceful environment for the Reiki session, often with soft lighting and soothing music.
  2. Hand Positions: The Reiki practitioner begins by placing their hands lightly on or slightly above different areas of the client’s body. These hand positions are predetermined and cover various energy centers or specific areas of the body. The practitioner may follow a specific sequence or intuitively move their hands based on the client’s needs.
  3. Energy Flow: Once the practitioner’s hands are in position, they start channeling Reiki energy. This involves them acting as a conduit for the universal life force energy, allowing it to flow through their hands and into the client’s body. The energy is believed to naturally flow to where it is needed, promoting healing, relaxation, and balance.
  4. Intuition and Sensations: During the session, both the practitioner and the client may experience different sensations. The practitioner may perceive shifts in energy, warmth, or tingling in their hands. The client may feel sensations like warmth, coolness, gentle pulsations, or a sense of deep relaxation. However, experiences can vary widely among individuals.
  5. Session Duration: A typical Reiki session lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, although shorter sessions may also be conducted. The duration can vary depending on the practitioner’s approach and the client’s needs.
  6. Self-Reiki and Distant Reiki: In addition to hands-on sessions, Reiki can be practiced in other ways. Individuals who have been attuned to Reiki can practice self-Reiki by placing their hands on various parts of their own body, following the hand positions. Distant Reiki is another application where Reiki energy is sent to individuals who are physically distant from the practitioner. It is believed that Reiki energy transcends time and space and can be effectively sent to recipients anywhere.

Reiki is a non-invasive practice, and the practitioner’s hands remain in contact or near the body without manipulation or massage. It can be customized to meet individual preferences and needs, and each session may vary based on the practitioner’s style and the client’s requirements.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is believed to offer a range of potential benefits for individuals who receive it. While the experiences and outcomes can vary from person to person, here are some commonly reported benefits of Reiki:

  1. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Reiki promotes deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress and tension. It can create a calming effect on the nervous system, allowing individuals to experience a sense of peace, tranquility, and overall well-being.
  2. Energy Balancing: Reiki is thought to balance and harmonize the energy flow within the body. By removing energy blockages and promoting the smooth flow of life force energy, Reiki aims to restore balance, vitality, and a sense of wholeness.
  3. Pain Relief and Physical Healing: Reiki is believed to support the body’s natural healing abilities. It can help alleviate physical discomfort, pain, and accelerate the healing process. Some individuals have reported reduced symptoms and improved recovery from various conditions and injuries.
  4. Emotional Healing and Well-being: Reiki is not limited to physical healing; it also addresses emotional and mental well-being. It can provide a supportive space for emotional release, healing of past traumas, and promoting a positive mindset. Reiki may help reduce anxiety, ease depression, and enhance emotional resilience.
  5. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Personal Growth: Reiki can facilitate self-discovery, self-reflection, and personal growth. It can promote a deeper connection to oneself, fostering self-awareness, clarity, and a greater understanding of one’s life path and purpose.
  6. Improved Sleep and Relaxation: Reiki sessions are known to induce a state of deep relaxation, which can lead to improved sleep quality and patterns. By calming the mind and body, Reiki may help individuals experience more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Spiritual Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is often associated with various spiritual benefits. While experiences can vary among individuals, here are some commonly reported spiritual benefits of Reiki:

  1. Connection to Universal Energy: Reiki is believed to facilitate a connection to universal life force energy. Practitioners and recipients often describe a sense of being in touch with a higher power or a divine presence. This connection can foster a deeper spiritual understanding and a sense of oneness with the universe.
  2. Expanded Consciousness: Reiki sessions can promote a state of expanded consciousness and heightened awareness. Some individuals report experiencing insights, clarity, and a broader perspective on life and their spiritual journey.
  3. Chakra Balancing and Activation: Reiki is thought to work on the chakras, which are energy centers in the body. Through Reiki, the chakras can be balanced, cleansed, and activated, allowing for the free flow of energy. This can enhance spiritual growth, intuition, and the awakening of higher consciousness.
  4. Spiritual Cleansing and Purification: Reiki is believed to have a purifying effect on the energy system. It can help release stagnant or negative energy, clearing blockages and promoting a sense of spiritual cleansing. This purification process is often described as a shedding of old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve one’s highest good.
  5. Deepening Meditation and Mindfulness: Reiki can support meditation and mindfulness practices. The calming and centering effects of Reiki energy can help individuals achieve a deeper state of meditation, enhance focus, and facilitate a sense of inner peace and stillness.
  6. Intuitive Development: Regular Reiki practice is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. As individuals become more attuned to the flow of energy, they may experience heightened intuition, inner guidance, and an increased ability to perceive subtle energies and messages from the spiritual realm.
  7. Spiritual Healing and Integration: Reiki is seen as a holistic healing modality that addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual. By promoting healing on multiple levels, Reiki can help individuals integrate and align their spiritual selves with their physical existence, fostering a sense of wholeness and spiritual well-being.

Reiki’s spiritual benefits are subjective and based on personal experiences and beliefs. It is often regarded as a spiritual practice that can support individuals on their unique spiritual journeys, but it is not affiliated with any specific religion or belief system.


While Reiki may have experienced fluctuations in popularity, it continues to be practiced and valued by many individuals worldwide. Its acceptance and recognition vary among different regions, cultures, and healthcare systems. Ultimately, the value and impact of Reiki are subjective and depend on individual experiences and beliefs.

Though it has been reported to have positive effects, its effectiveness may vary from person to person. Scientific research on its benefits is still evolving. Reiki’s spiritual benefits are subjective and based on personal experiences and beliefs. It is often regarded as a spiritual practice that can support individuals on their unique spiritual journeys, but it is not affiliated with any specific religion or belief system.

With an objective to standardize and maintain the integrity of Reiki practice, various organizations and associations have been established. These organizations provide guidelines, certification, and training standards for Reiki practitioners. Some well-known organizations include The Reiki Alliance, International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP), and Reiki Membership Association (RMA)

It’s important to note that Reiki is a holistic healing practice and should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment. If you’re considering Reiki or any other complementary therapy, it’s always advisable to consult with a qualified practitioner and continue any prescribed medical treatments. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

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