Simple 10 Steps Meditation

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Vanishing of the knowledge of this method made people, in general, to limit their understanding of “Meditation” only up to the most traditional method which we discussed above, & since it involves sticking up yourself to a place for a particular time duration, gradually, people lost the understanding of “Meditation” as an integral part of life.

Read all parts of this series Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3Part 5

Simple 10 steps “Meditation”

Traditional Commonly Accepted Method


“Opening Quote”

“Old is Gold & Gold is Pure.”


As already mentioned in previous chapter, going by the basic roots of “Meditation”, there are no readymade methods, however, only with the purpose to give a glimpse of the most traditional method of “Meditation”, have formulated steps of traditional commonly accepted method for reference.

Note: – It would be very much helpful to fix a particular time & stick to it for daily practice. This is for the “Mind” to understand & accept “Meditation” as a part of your daily routine, get used to it & cultivate its habit.


  • Find a quiet place without disturbance, sit down in composed posture & close your eyes.
  • Count 1 to 20 very slowly.
  • Start feeling & visualizing your own physical body from top to toe & try to imagine your own face & overall personality with closed eyes.
  • Keep feeling & visualizing yourself till you get clear picture.

Note: – ​ A beginner can reach up to step-4 in 5-10 sessions.

  • Try to focus on the clear picture you have got of your own self, keep focusing.
  • Soon your “Mind” will start getting flooded with number of thoughts, of all types & from all direction.

Note: –  ​If practiced seriously, even a beginner can reach up to step-6 very quickly; say in some 15-20 sessions.

  • Do not make any effort to stop it, let it come & pass, just observe it neutrally.
  • Keep observing with patience, not more than 5-10 minutes in beginning, once you’ve got enough practice then you can elongate as per your convenience.

Note: –  ​To reach up to step-8, serious & self-motivated efforts required without any breaks in daily fixed schedule.

  • Now you will start feeling your own existence & enjoying your own self but just enjoy it without any sort of reaction since this feeling shall remain only & only if you don’t react, once you react, you will lose the link.

Note: – ​ Consistent & rigorous practice required reaching up to step-9.

  • Now you are entering in the stage of “Meditation”, try to remain & explore as long as possible but not longer than 5-10 minutes in beginning, once you’ve got enough practice then you can elongate as per your convenience.

Note: –  ​Honest & exemplary efforts required reaching up to step-10.

Just like our other daily requirements, “Meditation” too is daily required for our “Mind” to be healthy & working with optimum output.


“Closing Tip”

“A healthy digestive system can naturally help improve quality of “Meditation”.”


Practical “Meditation”


“Opening Quote”

“If you are reading this seriously & immersed in reading, probably you are meditating.”


As it sounds, it should be really practical if it is to be considered as a method.

Yes, it’s absolutely practical.

It was & still present but its form is changed by blinding glorification.

Actual knowledge of this method is gradually vanished out either with the passage of time or due to some other reason.

Going by the basic roots of “Meditation”, perhaps this is the most easy & suitable form.

Since ages it was incorporated within daily life to reap its wider benefits.

It is still possible to follow this method, incorporate it in to our daily life & reap its benefits, only problem is the knowledge of its practical application to our daily life, which is rare nowadays.

Vanishing of the knowledge of this method made people, in general, to limit their understanding of “Meditation” only up to the most traditional method which we discussed above, & since it involves sticking up yourself to a place for a particular time duration, gradually, people lost the understanding of “Meditation” as an integral part of life, instead, the perspective changed & it became totally external part & started getting performed with a totally different objective thereby side lining the original objective & purpose of the “Meditation”.

Thus “Meditation” lost connection in practical manner for application to daily life & gradually got removed from daily life of people.

So what’s exactly “Practical “Meditation”?

As we have already defined it earlier in simple terms, it’s, Selecting any other task or activity where the “Mind” can find solace without any sort of external disturbance or chances of any compelling condition to arise for “Mind” to react.

Let’s understand this. All must have experienced some or another time in their life that when they get involved in some interesting task or activity then for that particular time period they tend to forget their problems & other tensions related to life.

This happens because at that time “Mind” completely involves itself into that activity.

When the level of involvement is increased to the level of getting immersed into the subject matter, then “Mind” itself unknowingly auto starts the process of “Meditation”.

As greater the immersion is, as better the “Meditation”.

Earlier people knew this secret since ages & that’s the reason they had so intrinsically incorporated this method of “Meditation” in to their daily life that it reached to the level of their instinct, & reaped benefits for their lifetime without extra efforts.

Before jumping to any conclusion regarding greatness of this method, one needs to keep in “Mind” below points,

  • The task selected should be in the nature of providing solace without any sort of external disturbance neither there should be chances of any compelling condition to arise for “Mind” to react.
  • One should select only that task in which it has immense level of interest because then only will the level of involvement reach the level of immersion. Deeper the immersion, better the “Meditation”. If there are no areas of such immense level of interest then one can always start right from cultivating interest & then move on.

Further, though not possible for all neither required but just to give a glimpse of effectiveness of this method, to be noted that, at the highest level of this method of “Meditation”, one can develop the sublime tendency towards overall life & thus always be in the state of “Meditation” without getting engrossed in the mundane & routine issues of daily life.

Only care to be taken in this method is to maintain discipline in practice & effort to make it intrinsic part of life.

Even for this method, one can fix a time & stick to it without exception for daily practice. This is for the “Mind” to understand & accept the given activity as a part of your daily routine, get used to it & cultivate its habit & thereby auto put itself in to state of “Meditation” as per the level of immersion.


“Closing Tip”

“Prefer which suits & helps your “Mind”, not which is defined as “ideal”.”


Understanding Meditation

Connecting with Meditation

Pre-requisite & Methods of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

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